Coding Services

Backlogged claims because of coding delays?

With open positions or untrained coders, backlogs occur and revenue is delayed. Healthcare organizations across the nation struggle with the recruiting and retention of qualified, experienced coders. With the change to ICD-10 coding in October of 2015, medical coding has become a more dynamic process than ever before.

Our team of Coders can handle your specific specialty. From Anesthesia, Physical Therapy, Psychology, Rheumatology, Nephrology, Cardiology, Internal Medicine, General Surgery, Cardiovascular, Neurology, Hospital Inpatient and Outpatient, Emergency Room, Observation, to Critical Access Hospitals, we have someone to ensure proper coding, not only for auditing purposes, but also to increase clean claims that meet payor specific guidelines for proper reimbursement.

We help you overcome the issues associated with coder staffing, retention, and training.
We provide Superior Outcomes for Your Practice!

  • Reduced claims denials
  • Lower receivables and improved cash flow
  • Experienced, professional claims billing in many points of service
  • Services within your budget and deadlines
  • The highest coding quality standards – Guaranteed!

At Legacy, we are committed to quality and we remove the pain from the coding process. We can help you in a staffing shortage or take over your coding entirely.

Whether you need help for a short-term or long-term coding project, our staff is here to help.

Let us help with your coding needs!

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