Our Leader’s Leadership

Donna White

Donna White

By Donna White, Principal Consultant and Owner of Legacy Consulting Services and Legacy Billing Solutions in Montgomery, Alabama.

Principal Consultant and John Maxwell Team Member, Donna White, had the opportunity to attend a week-long seminar called John Maxwell Live: Leaders Growing Leaders, Sunday, March 13th – Wednesday, March 16th. There was an additional workshop led by Ed Decosta on Thursday, March 17th. This was an immersive week into the John Maxwell philosophy and coaching strategy.

“This was the most amazing conference I have ever attended,” said Donna. “It was exciting to meet new people and embark on a journey that would take each of us to a new level in our leadership journey.”

Donna’s excitement continued through receiving the necessary tools and insight to become a more experienced speaker, trainer, and coach. “The tools I received will allow me to work with clients in any industry and any size, as well as provide coaching for individuals looking to grow personally and become more.” From another session, she learned about the importance of coming together and using our talents, training, and skills to add value to people every day. Donna added, “It is never a one-time event; it is a daily journey of growth. With God’s help and intentionality, we can transform lives and truly leave a legacy every day.”

“Influence is not bringing someone around to your truth; it’s about bringing them about to their own.”

Of all the sessions, she especially enjoyed Christian Simpson’s Coaching session. “It was somewhat of an epiphany for me to understand that we cannot lead unless we can Coach,” Donna said.  She continued, “Directing and telling people how to do something is not really coaching. The answer is always in the individual. They might just not be consciously aware of it.” Simpson stated, “Coaching makes the unconscious conscious.”

Donna came away from the conference with a renewed sense of purpose for the Legacy Consulting team. “The conference gave me inspiration to expand executive leadership and coaching…I truly see the value in asking powerful, life-changing questions,” as well as how to truly listen to not only what is being said, but what is not being said. Simpson continued, that in the coaching world, “Influence is not bringing someone around to your truth; it’s about bringing them about to their own.”

Donna stated, “We should always be on the lookout for ways to do more or be more. The journey is never completed because there is always more value to be added to someone, another life to be changed.” And John Maxwell reiterated, “Don’t ask how long it will take, but ask how far can I go?”

First, she is planning to offer an Intentional Living MasterMind Session, scheduled to start on April 5th. If you are interested in joining this session or having one scheduled for your business, you can reach out to Donna at dwhite@legacyconsultingservices.com. She also plans on incorporating teamwork principles learned into an upcoming speech she will be giving at the Chamber of Commerce Association of Alabama.

Donna and John Maxwell

Donna urges anyone interested in learning more about John Maxwell or hosting an event at their organization to reach out to her. “Leadership ability is the lid that determines a person’s level of effectiveness. The lower an individual’s ability to lead, the lower the lid on his potential. Our potential is truly beyond what we can imagine or even think is possible.” To anyone struggling “with a business, career, family life or really – anything in life, belief drives behavior.”

Change is inevitable. Growth is optional – John Maxwell

Donna’s final message is one of hope by having faith in ourselves. ” We were all born perfect, but we’ve been programmed to fail. We place limitations on ourselves. Sometimes it is based on how we were raised or something someone said to us that caused us to lose belief in ourselves when we were young. What we fight for is what we get. If we say, ‘I don’t have the time’ or ‘I’ll never succeed at that’, or ‘I have tried that before and failed;’ well, belief drives behavior. We must change our thinking. Be solution-oriented, not problem-oriented. From John Maxwell ‘When you change the way you look at things, things will begin to change. ‘”

The team at Legacy is truly grateful to have such an inspirational leader at its helm.

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